About us

About us

A Family Business

Gonzalo Arrarte Corbo

Gonzalo Arrarte Delmond

Isabel Arrarte, Ricardo Reilly Arrarte, Victoria Roig, Gonzalo Reilly Arrarte, Juan Cruz, Sofia and Guillermo Reilly Roig

Center of continuous words of praise from those who use their breeding stock, the estancia and cabin "La Alborada" is recognized throughout the country as the cradle of the good Hereford. It is currently operated by Mrs. Isabel Arrarte Haro -the eldest of the two daughters of Don Gonzalo Arrarte Delmond-, in collaboration with her two sons Ricardo and Gonzalo Reilly.

It is a third and fourth generation family agricultural business, and the different management tasks are distributed among the members of the family. In addition to the Hereford herd, the establishment is dedicated to full-cycle livestock farming, both cattle and wool. The breed used in cattle is exclusively Hereford, while in wool it is the Corriedale with sheep produced in-house.

Our History

The passion for the breed began in 1918, when Mr. Gonzalo Arrarte Corbo – grandfather of the current owner – began in the production of Hereford Pedigree cattle together with Don Ribero. Later he formed a partnership with his brother Cecilio in the department of Rocha.

Around that time, they decided to import heifers from England, and a Polled Hereford bull from the United States. At the same time they acquired a squad of 21 pure wombs of origin from the Artagaveytia Succession in Soriano.

For more than ten years, there were repeated purchases of fathers imported from England and the Argentine Republic, as well as the use of great champions of the country. At the end of the 40s, the schools moved to the department of Cerro Largo, more specifically to the estancia "La Alborada", fields that Gonzalo Arrarte Corbo had just bought.
For several years the cabin operated jointly with the establishment "Mazangano" – of the same owner – so the firm operated as "La Alborada" and "Mazangano" of Gonzalo Arrarte e Hijos, alluding to the partnership that Don Gonzalo eventually formed with his sons Gonzalo and Carlos, in the mid-50s.

This is how the herd became a pioneer of the Hereford breed in the department, and one of the oldest in the country today. The young "Gonzalito" – the older of the two brothers – was entrusted with the arduous task of carrying out the management of these fields at the early age of 19. In this way he settled with his wife Ema Haro in the establishment "La Alborada" to continue with the family legacy.
In 1967 Gonzalo Arrarte Corbo died and years later the schools were divided between his sons Gonzalo and Carlos, with half of the schools remaining in La Alborada, passing through four generations until today. The firm has won numerous awards throughout its history, both at regional and national exhibitions. All of the above, added to a meticulous selection of mother cows, has given rise to this pondered type of ranch that today populates the fields of the estancia "La Alborada".
